Ahh, sunny Puerto Rico! We spent a week in early February playing in the air over this beautiful tropical island in the sun! This was one of the best boogies we've ever been to, and not just because of the great scenery! The island is beautiful, with white sandy beaches and lush tropical forests. The whole local crew was so friendly and welcoming to us and the people who joined us on this trip!
We spent the first couple of days traveling around the island, visiting El Morro, a huge fortress that was used in early days to protect the small island from foreign invaders. Next on our list of places to see was El Yunque, a lush rain forest with trail that led to fantastic waterfalls with clear,
cool water cascading over the rocky ledges, creating crisp, natural showers. Another day was spent on Pemmican Beach located on the small island of Culebra. The white, sandy beach and clear ocean was a great place to relax and enjoy the sun and surf while snorkeling or just catching a few rays. The rusted out, abandoned tank at the end of the beach was a reminder of the days when these strategic islands were thought of as more of a military destination and less the tropical paradise that they are now.
Then the boogie began! Seeing as the regular flight line at the DZ was a C-182, we decided to bring two of our planes down to keep people in the air. The twin otter and skyvan, to be exact! These planes, along with a crew of jumpers from Puerto Rico, the French Virgin Islands, and other places around the world kept the planes flying non-stop throughout the boogie. We had great weather for most of the boogie, and plenty of food and drink at night.
Thanks to all of the jumpers that joined us out there for the boogie and other festivities, and a special thank you to the local jumpers in Puerto Rico. They know how to throw a first-class boogie!
Now for the pictures!
Puerto Rico Picture Page 1
Puerto Rico Picture Page 2
Puerto Rico Picture Page 3