The first Monkey Claw Freefly Jam of the new Millenium took place over Memorial Day weekend, May 26-29th and man was it a blast! We had 90+ people show up for a great weekend that featured skydivers from around the world, an all-night rave with three DJ's and a laser light show, a great pig-roast, and a bungy-run with special prizes for the winners!
Oh yeah, and did I mention the skydiving? Huge tube dives, flocking dives, 1-on-1 coaching for beginners and novices, tracking dives and all kinds of load organizing! We had a fastest-person competition with the winner getting 50% off of a Pro-track, Indy-500 pylon races, a swoop contest along the swoop-and-slide, and all sorts of other air-games. On top of this, we were blessed by the presence of Andrew Staich and Bobby Paige from Speed Curve Productions getting video for their next release, Millenium III!
Although there was a little bit of rain and weather that we had to endure, all in all it was a pretty good weekend. We had such a great crew of talented skydivers visiting from other DZ's (most notably Skydive Orange in Virginia and Skydive Delmarva in Deleware) that almost all of the skydives were fun and productive. Team Tigger even brought four tubes to play with! With the addition of our tube, we did some 5-tube jumps along with several other multi-tube jumps that were open to almost all jumpers. Many novices lost their tube-virginity over the weekend!
We have plenty more pics on the Jam Pictures page 1, and the Jam Pictures Page 2 so take a look and see what sort of great jumps and other activities were taking place out here at Cross Keys during the Jam!
We want to say thank-you to everyone for coming out to suport us and hope everyone had a great time. It's great to get people together for a big party like this and look forward to seeing everyone again at the end of the summer for our Jam over Labor Day weekend. That one promises to be bigger and better, so plan on being out here for it!
Also, special thanks to Skydive Cross Keys and John Eddowes for letting us throw this great party, and Rigging Innovations Voodoo, Da Kine Rags, Icarus Canopies, Larson and Brusgaard, and Alti-2 for supporting the team and the school. Also, Omniglow was a great help in providing us with the light-sticks for the party. Without the support of all of these guys, this party couldn't have happened!